Valley Bushveld Safaris

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Trophy Hunting Gallery

Due to the abundance of antelope in South Africa,
Plains Game Trophy Hunting has become more popular than hunting the Big Five.

Valley Bushveld Safaris is based in the Greater Addo area, Eastern Cape, which is the top hunting province of South Africa. We offer hunters affordable accommodation as well as a 300km geographical area to hunt plains game on 19 game farms.

Hunting technicians used would differ from preference to weapons used. The most common hunting techniques are - Blinds, Stalking and Opportunity, which is locating animals whilst cruising in a 4x4 vehicle. Once game has been sighted the stalk is planned and the vehicle drives off leaving the hunter and his guide in a suitable position.

Our Hunting Outfitters supports Disabled Hunting.

We offer 11 affordable hunting packages, permits and weapon hire. Please feel free to view our hunting prices

Plains Game Hunting Safaris for the Eastern Cape can be booked via the Booking Form >>